Saturday, July 25, 2009

Contemplations on Evolutionary DNA: Infinite ability to change?

[Forewarning: this Blog makes a TON of unsupported claims/hypothesis. I would love to have every idea in this particular post researched.] The subject line is an issue I have been highly interested (and somewhat intellectually involved) in for the past couple months. I haven't really been able to find data or written resources firmly centered around my own hypothesis to follow, but I feel it's now time to attempt to write down my thoughts.

The human DNA structure is, in a word, amazing. Because of the complexity (and my lack of understanding) I'm skipping this part entirely; I suppose what I'm aimed at is more closely related to Evolutionary Psychology than hard science. Have you ever considered that at our moment of conception we are nothing more than a mosaic of our parents DNA? We are the sum of our parents experiences and DNA up to that point. From there our paths diverge and they continue leading their lives and we begin to live ours... always similar but changing in a myriad of ways; eventually we are no longer what our parents were, but something much more "evolved."

But, as we know from 10th grade biology class, there are differing genetic traits which can be passed on, nearly by chance. What if they are not? I meditate quite regularly and several times have had the unique experience of being what I can only describe as being a "watcher" in my own body. What is meant by this is that the barriers which seem to separate the conscious and the subconscious thinned and my conscious watched (without interference) the actions and thoughts of the subconscious.

In this state I experienced, among many other things, what I think was a "systems check," where the physical subconscious aspect literally re-maps the entire body. (Quite an interesting experience.) [From here choosing the best way to describe my hypothesis is a bit tricky, so please hang with it.] I had many more experiences like this one, where I was nothing more than an observer to the hidden aspects of what makes a person tick. I came to what I believe is a truth: the subconscious does what is best for the body, what is best for the benefit and survival of the organism. Hence why even though we find body fat (for the most part) unattractive, we have it and why it is so hard to get rid of.

From this I have formed several theories about how we work and ways to invoke change. There are 3 types of change a human's body can go through: 1)postural change, 2) extended change, 3) generational change. Postural change is merely an observation of a habit you don't like and changing it; the most common type of change. (Example: "Hmm, I don't like my smile. Ok, so open the lower lip a bit more... THERE!")

Extended change is more complex and requires a series of postural changes. The most common example would be weight loss. Another example would be the toning of certain muscle groups.

Generational change are changes associated with genetic recombination. That means that these changes are only visible in your children. (Or maybe they aren't visible per-say, but they are what you'd consider ideal traits.) Let me spin off from the current train of thought and explain another hypothesis I have: the subconscious is constantly trying to build the perfect human. It does this by marking certain traits in a form of evolutionary "memory" from interactions you have with other people. No doubt you like certain aspects about yourself; the evolutionary memory attempts to keep these traits while obtaining those you find desirable. (I suppose I'm getting into what would be considered "attraction.") Therefore one will seek out others who can compliment and enhance their own genetic structure. Sometimes this works... sometimes it doesn't. I believe that we have a way of marking our own DNA structure to pass on certain codes of information and traits more-so than is taught in genetic recombination, however this is just speculation until I manage to find proof.

Back to the original theory: infinite ability to change. The body is frugal (for most people) when it comes to energy expenditure. When it comes to change, it is even more resistant: why change what is proven to work? (The organism is APPARENTLY still alive...) The previous sentence is why we have evolutionary change, otherwise we might be able to convince our body to morph into our ideal form of beauty, that is IF we had the proper coding to work with. (DNA is that coding... some physical traits are just too far beyond our bodies DNA structure to conceive.) But, there is always the energy expenditure to consider... hence why we can burn fat and tone muscle, and even reshape the skin to a degree, but have a drastically hard time reshaping bone formation and structure: 1) too much energy expenditure and 2) our bodies might not know how.

That's all on this subject for now.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Humanity Entangled: thoughts after a dream

I find it amazing that, despite however much you may believe you understand the world and your own life, the mind has a way of inserting doubts and showing you just what it is you are missing.

Usually I don't post my dreams anywhere, I keep a dream journal instead; some things are just too private. But every once in a while I have a dream that completely shakes my foundations and bestows a deep drive to write and spread the "message."

To my friends and colleagues it is no secret that I am not a very emotional person. Heck, I even went through a phase where I believed that humanity was completely flawed by having an 'emotional system.' It just took one dream to change that. It's one of those conscious wake-up calls where the subconscious says "No, you are wrong. It's more like this... oh just let me show you."

While I won't post the details of the dream, (I know right? All that build-up, for what?!) I do want to post that it posed a dramatic and detailed web of our interconnectedness. Part of the dream was the human time line, others were a detailed map of the human DNA, and even another was the cycle from birth to death. (<-Not my standard dream-vocabulary [1].)

Then, even after all this, my subconscious decided to awake a decidedly sleeping part of my psyche: I the same dream scene, multiple times, but with different people each time, showing further the influence people have over each other. Talk about awaking with a feeling of "motherly love" for the world.

So, the big picture. We are connected. When one person suffers, we all suffer. Life isn't as discreet and isolated as some of us think. Like the previous post touches on, our lives (and deaths) and tribulations and pain all affect the world. So why then are we so aloof to one another?

**Side Notes**
I DO understand that there are MANY people who already feel this way. For my personality type though, tapping in to the "feeling" side is a bit different from what I'm used to.

[1] Dream-Vocabulary: common recurring elements or symbols one's own brain uses to convey certain messages; common or repeating dreams

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Beginning

I've wanted for a very long time to start and maintain a journal. It seems that having an intimate journal won't happen online, but at the very least I would like a place where, even if I die, some of my thoughts might live on to inspire others.

I adopted this pseudonym quite some time ago, probably in the earlier years of my life. At the current time I was attracted to destruction and chaos in the world and fancied myself the destroyer of mankind. Ironically, seeing as its core is creation and celebration, music was (and still is) my major interest. I searched the internet for a few months for things like "God of Destruction" and "God of Music." Personally, I didn't want a name anyone else had adopted, such a greek or roman god adaptation; additionally I had always been attracted to a two-fold name, one which could convey a double meaning and brimmed with power.

I finally managed to piece together two names from various fictional internet pages: Cebren, god of music, and Girinis, god of fiery destruction. Since adapting these names, the pages with the origins have long since disappeared, leaving only my unique combination within the ever-changing tomes on the internet.

Chronicling my life from that point onwards will take some time, and perhaps will be a story spread over days of this blog. For now, I prefer to focus on my current feelings and aspirations so I have a clear understanding of where I am going.

I call this the beginning because it is finally when I have chosen to do something, rather than merely speculate and plot. I have since decided that although the world is ugly, broken, and filled with woe, it deserves a brighter future and clearer understanding. The pulse of our world is slow and filled with constant change. Our lives have little to show in the overall picture, and our individual thread lost in the array of the overall tapestry; but it IS there. Perhaps one person cannot save the world, but the ideas and beliefs that he or she models to the world, enforces, strengthens, spreads, can eventually become the foundation for much grander things. Perhaps this effect can occur within that person's lifetime, or maybe it takes hundreds or thousands of years, but nonetheless it can make a difference.

Now, I find myself wanting to understand everything. Rather than destruction, I want knowing and wisdom. Currently, the faculties and motives are not developed or there for me to recieve or process this knowledge in a beneficial way, and were it given as it was given to Solomon, would be detrimental to peace and justice rather than beneficial. I propose that if one could simply understand the multitude of factors which unfluence a life, including upbringing and genetic disposition, as well as interactions an individual has with others, one would be able to predict precisely the decisions and outcomes of others. Meaning, with enough knowledge and understanding, the world's future could be seen clearly.
Now of course this means that everything would have to be predestined if reactions are caused by 'conditioning and learning' and that nothing happens by chance; life is merely an interwoven web in which a small series of events and decisions play out as they should without any human having the capacity or ability to observe it all and predict as is possible.

There is my thought for the day.